Someone called me up and asked if I could write a quiz program, one that would have multiple choice questions. I thought I wouldn't have to, because there are many flashcard hypercard stacks available on America Online's software library. After looking at a few of them, it became apparent that I would have to do the job myself.
'QuizWhiz!' is designed to let the author (you) be able to quickly learn and be able to write tests for the students (or 'users').
It had to be very understandable with practically no learning curve, yet be very powerful in features. The result is 'QuizWhiz! 1.0'
With 'QuizWhiz!' you can enter as many questions as you like, with the appropriate answers, the program will keep tally of the users score and print it out.
A few questions are already entered to give you an idea as to how it works. To add additional questions, just choose 'New card' from the edit menu.
However, to do this you need to enter the 'Edit mode' which has the password 'black cat'. You can change the password to anything you want.
'QuizWhiz!' is not free. If you like it enough to keep and use, then please support shareware and send $10 to: